Flights from Salt Lake City Airport (SLC) to Indianapolis International Airport Airport (IND)

We've found the cheapest flights to Indianapolis

Returns from £275.81

One-way from £235.51

Flying from Salt Lake City International to Indianapolis International is relatively easy as there are 9 who offer direct flights. These airliners include SkyWest Airlines, WestJet, Virgin Atlantic, LATAM Airlines, KLM, ITA Airways, Air France, Aeromexico and Delta Air Lines. When travelling from Salt Lake City International you will cover about 1,351 miles before you reach Indianapolis International. This journey will take 3 Hours 22 Minutes.

The most expensive flight prices are typically at weekends and daytime flights. If you are on a tight budget then you should avoid flying at peak hours as the prices are more expensive. The cheapest flights are in the evenings and in mid week. The ticket prices for most airliners will increase the closer you get the departure date, so as soon as you know the date you will travel you should book your flights.

The time zone at Indianapolis International is different from Salt Lake City International, so please be aware of this when making travel arrangements.

For a full summary of all the airliners that fly from Salt Lake City International to Indianapolis International, please see the table below.

Flights Chart
AirlinerMoTuWeThFrSaSuFirst FlightLast FlightFlights
Delta Air Lines111111118:3123:37VIEW FLIGHTS
WestJet001010023:3723:37VIEW FLIGHTS
Virgin Atlantic001010023:3723:37VIEW FLIGHTS
LATAM Airlines001010023:3723:37VIEW FLIGHTS
KLM001010023:3723:37VIEW FLIGHTS
ITA Airways001010023:3723:37VIEW FLIGHTS
Air France001010023:3723:37VIEW FLIGHTS
Aeromexico001010023:3723:37VIEW FLIGHTS
SkyWest Airlines000100013:3013:30VIEW FLIGHTS

Flights from Salt Lake City International to Indianapolis International are very limited. Only Delta Air Lines operate flights, of which there is only 1 per week. The time of the departure for this flight is 18:31

If you would like more information on this flight the please visit the website for Delta Air Lines at You will be able to find the latest availability, prices and make your booking online.

Flight times for the route are summarised in the table below. These time were correct at the time of writing, but please be aware that times may vary from time to time so please check their website for exact times and the dates you wish to fly.

Flights Time In WeekDays
DayFlight TimesFlights
AirlineFlight  No
Delta Air LinesDL2228
AirlineFlight  No
Delta Air LinesDL2228
AirlineFlight  No
Air FranceAF5649
Delta Air LinesDL2228
ITA AirwaysAZ3081
LATAM AirlinesLA8971
Virgin AtlanticVS4460
AirlineFlight  No
SkyWest AirlinesDL4589
AirlineFlight  No
Delta Air LinesDL2228
AirlineFlight  No
Air FranceAF5649
Delta Air LinesDL2228
ITA AirwaysAZ3081
LATAM AirlinesLA8971
Virgin AtlanticVS4460
AirlineFlight  No
Delta Air LinesDL2228
AirlineFlight  No
Delta Air LinesDL2228

Before you book your flights make sure you your passport is valid and preferably has at least 6 months or more left before it expires. To renew your passport it can take several weeks to renew and with many airliners flights are not refundable.

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Flight Price FAQ - Salt Lake City (SLC) to Indianapolis (IND)

What is the cheapest direct flight one way from Salt Lake City SLC to Indianapolis IND?
The cheapest direct flight one way from Salt Lake City SLC to Indianapolis IND is £235.51 ($298 €278.41)
$298 | €278.41
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What is the cheapest direct return flight from Salt Lake City SLC to Indianapolis IND?
The cheapest direct return flight from Salt Lake City SLC to Indianapolis IND is £275.81 ($349 €326.05)
$349 | €326.05
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1+ STOP(S)
What is the cheapest flight one way from Salt Lake City SLC to Indianapolis IND?
The cheapest flight one way from Salt Lake City SLC to Indianapolis IND is £105.90 ($134 €125.19)
$134 | €125.19
Check Latest Price
1+ STOP(S)
What is the cheapest return flight from Salt Lake City SLC to Indianapolis IND?
The cheapest return flight from Salt Lake City SLC to Indianapolis IND is £122.50 ($155 €144.81)
$155 | €144.81
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Important Note: Prices shown are taken from searches performed for flights operating during the current month. Please use the "Latest Price" buttons to get the most up to date airfares.

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Flight Info FAQ - Salt Lake City (SLC) to Indianapolis (IND)

Who flies from Salt Lake City to Indianapolis?
The following airlines fly from Salt Lake City (SLC) to Indianapolis (IND): Aeromexico, Air France, Delta Air Lines, ITA Airways, KLM, LATAM Airlines, SkyWest Airlines, Virgin Atlantic, WestJet.
How far is the flight from Salt Lake City to Indianapolis?
The flight from Salt Lake City to Indianapolis is 2,175KM or 1,351 miles.
How long does the flight from Salt Lake City to Indianapolis to take?
The flight from Salt Lake City to Indianapolis takes 3 Hours 22 Minutes.

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